William Merchant, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Applied Statistics and xxxÖ±²¥ Methods
Education and Behavioral xxxÖ±²¥s
Contact Information
Mailing Address
University of Northern Colorado
Applied Statistics and xxxÖ±²¥ Methods
Campus Box
Greeley, CO 80639
- PhD, Kent State University, 2015, Evaluation and Measurement
MEd, Kent State University, 2011, Rehabilitation Counseling
BA, Keene State College, 2008, Psychology
Professional/Academic Experience
- Assistant Professor, The University of Northern Colorado. 2017 - Present
- Assistant Professor, Widener University. 2015 - 2017
- Statistical Consultant, International Journal of Aging and Human Development 2012
- 2015
- Consultant – National xxxÖ±²¥ Foundation (NSF): Bridging the Conceptual Divide Between
Theoretical and Applied Environmental Chemistry, Award Number:1140980. 2016 to present
- Reviewer – Eastern Educational xxxÖ±²¥ Association (EERA), 2015 - 2017
- Statistical Consultant – Int. Journal of Aging and Human Development, 2012 – 2015
- Statistical Consultant – The Safe Design Institute, 2015 - 2016
xxxÖ±²¥/Areas of Interest
Program evaluation theory, stakeholder configuration, Structural Equation Modeling,
statistical error, disability studies, measurement validation
Publications/Creative Works
- Ciampa, K., Merchant, W., Wolfe, Z. (In press). Does an AutonomousProfessional Development
Model Reflect Professional Learning Standards? A Mixed-Methods Case Study. Pennsylvania
Educational Leadership.
- Merchant, W., Ciampa, K., Wolfe, Z. (in press). Examining the Psychometric Properties
of the Standards Assessment Inventory. Journal of Professional Development in Education.
- Merchant, W., Dees, D. (In press). Assessing Teaching Format as it Applies to Motivation
and Perceptions of Teaching and Learning in Geological xxxÖ±²¥s Education. International
Journal of Education.
- Smith, G., Hayslip, B., Hancock, G., Merchant, W., Montoro-Rodreguez, J. (In Press). The
Family Stress Model as it Applies to Custodial Grandfamilies: A Cross Validation. Journal
of Child and Family Studies.
- Merchant, W., Smith, G., Hayslip, B. (In press). Using the CES-D with Custodial Grandmothers:
Cross-Validation and Convergent Validity. Journal of Aging and Mental Health.
- Rumrill, P., Fitzgerald, S., Merchant, W. (2015). A Response to Harris, Gould, and
Fujiura (2013): Beyond Scoping Reviews – A Case for Mixed-Methods xxxÖ±²¥ Reviews. Journal
of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, 50 (2), 1-12.
- Fitzgerald, S. M., Li, J., Rumrill, P. D., Bishop, Jr., M., Merchant, W. (2015). Examining the
factor structure and psychometric properties of the Quality of Life Scale among people
with multiple sclerosis. 29 (2), 165-182.
- Nigh, J., Pytash, K., Ferdig, R., Merchant, W. (2015). Investigating the Potential
of MOOCs in K-12 Teaching and Learning Environments. Journal of Online Learning xxxÖ±²¥,
1 (1), 85-106.
- Smith, G., Merchant, W., Hayslip, B., Streider, F., Montoro-Rodriguez, J. (2015). Measuring
the parenting practices of custodial grandmothers. Journal of Child and Family Studies.
24(12), 3676-3689.
- Hayslip, B., Smith, G. C., Montoro-Rodriguez, J., Streider, F. H., Merchant, W. (2015). The
Utility of the Family Empowerment Scale with Custodial Grandmothers. Journal of Applied
Gerontology. 36(3), 320–350.
- Fitzgerald, S. M., Li, J., Rumrill, P. D., Merchant, W., Bishop, M. (2014). Examining
the factor structure of the multiple sclerosis impact scale. Journal of Prevention, Assessment
and Rehabilitation, 49 (3), 523-538.
- Merchant, W., Li, J., Karpinski, A., Rumrill, P. (2013). A conceptual overview of
structural equation modeling in rehabilitation research. Journal of Prevention, Assessment,
and Rehabilitation, 45 (3), 407-415.
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