Psychological xxxÖ±²¥s FAQs
Please see below for some frequently asked questions about the graduate programs offered by the School of Psychological xxxÖ±²¥s. If you have questions not found in the list below, please reach out to our advising staff for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Ph.D. Program
- What are the application requirements and how do I apply?
Application and admissions requirements for the Ph.D. program can be viewed on the Graduate School website.
- How many students are admitted each year?
There is no set number of students admitted.
- When do I need to apply?
The deadline for applications for the fall semester is January 31st. All materials must be processed by the Graduate School and received in our office by this deadline. Applications received after this deadline will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Although students may enroll any semester following admission, they are strongly encouraged to begin their program in either the summer or fall term in order to enter the proper sequencing of courses.
- How much will it cost?
- Can I complete an M.A. Degree en route to the Ph.D.?
Yes. Students may apply for admission to the Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and complete their M.A. in Educational Psychology on the way to the doctoral degree. The application process and the admission criteria are the same as for the Ph.D. program. Once admitted, students will complete the 30-credit M.A. program. Students must complete all program requirements (including Comprehensive Examination) for the M.A. in addition to the minimum 67 credit hours required for the Ph.D. Students must be conferred with the M.A. degree prior to admission to doctoral candidacy.
- Are courses taught online?
Some courses are taught online, but not all.
- Are courses taught in the Denver Metro area?
Some courses are taught in the Denver Metro area, usually in a condensed format over several weekends. Timing of these courses often varies with time of year and instructor availability.
Note: The program does not include K -12 teaching certification or counseling certification.
For other questions, please contact the Graduate School at 970-351-2831.
Frequently Asked Questions about the M.A. Program
- What are the application requirements and how do I apply?
Application and admissions requirements for the M.A. program can be viewed on the Graduate School website.
- How many students are admitted each year?
There is no set number of students admitted. See the application requirements above.
- When do I need to apply?
Applications are processed as they are received. Decisions regarding admission are communicated to the applicant before the beginning of the next semester. Although students may enroll any semester following admission, they are strongly encouraged to begin their program in either the summer or fall term in order to enter the proper sequencing of courses.
- How much will it cost?
Current tuition rates are available on the Graduate Web site and the Costs Page.
- Can I complete the degree in one year?
The degree can be completed within a year, depending on course load. However, it is more typical that students take 3 – 4 courses per semester and therefore, the 30 credits and MA Comprehensive Examination over 3 – 4 semesters of work.
- Are courses taught online?
A few courses are taught online, but the majority of courses are taught on campus.
- Can I earn the M.A. through a strictly online program, too?
Yes, you can. Go to the to learn more about our separate which is designed to give teachers access to the latest research on teaching and learning, and which was ranked one of
The online program emphasizes developing an understanding of how both the brain and the environment influence learning across development, the nature of student motivation, and the role of society and culture in learning. Moreover, the program focuses on practical applications of research to the classroom. An M.A. in Educational Psychology will prepare teachers to effectively address critical tasks such as designing instruction that fosters critical thinking, helping students develop confidence and interest in learning, responding to state mandated tests and curriculum standards, and supporting disadvantaged students.
Length and nature of the M.A. online program
- The program is completed in five consecutive semesters.
- The students take two courses per semester. In the fall and spring semesters, these two courses are taken back-to-back in two 8-week sessions. In the summer semester, the two courses are taken concurrently in a single 8-week session that runs from early June through July.
- All courses are delivered in an online format.
- In the last semester, the students complete the M.A. Comprehensive Examination, which involves writing a paper that applies their knowledge of Educational Psychology to a topic or issue that is relevant to their practice as teachers or in other educational settings.
A cohort model
This program is offered according to a cohort model in which all students take the courses in the same sequence. All students will register for the same elective course that is offered during the specified semester. The required comprehensive examination will be satisfied by successful completion of the M.A. Project, as set forth in program guidelines.
- What's the Accelerated (4 + 1) Psychology B.A. and Educational Psychology M.A. degree
Motivated and high-achieving students may seek to complete the requirements for the B.A. in Psychology and M.A. in Educational Psychology in five years. To obtain both degrees, students must complete all the requirements for the B.A. described in the Undergraduate Catalog and all of the requirements for the M.A. described in the Graduate Catalog. Read more about it in the and the