Paula Conroy, Ed.D.
Visual Impairment
School of Special Education
Contact Information
- Ed.D. University of Northern Colorado, Special Education
- M.A. University of Northern Colorado, Special Education
- B.S. Russel Sage College, Special Education
Professional/Academic Experience
- 2013-Present: Professor, University of Northern Colorado
- 2007-2012: Associate Professor, Univeresity of Northern Colorado
- 2002-2006: Assistant Professor, University of Northern Colorado
- 2000-2002: Adjunct Instructor, University of Northern Colorado
- 2000-2001: Adjunct Instructor, Adams State College (Alamosa, CO)
- 2002-Present: Vision/Orientation and Mobility Consultant, Boulder Valley School District
(Boulder, CO)
- 1990-2002: Teacher of the Visually Impaired and Certified Orientation and Mobility
Specialist, Boulder Valley School District (Boulder, CO)
xxxÖ±²¥/Areas of Interest
- Action xxxÖ±²¥
- Second Language Learners with Visual Disabilities
- Cultural and Linguistic Diversity
- Instructional Methodology
- Physical Education and Visual Impairment
- Braille Instructional Techniques
Publications/Creative Works
Milian, M., Conroy, P., & Correa-Torres, S. (in press). Multicultural Issues. In C. Holbrook, C. Kamei-Hannan,& T. Wright (Eds.), Foundations of Education, Third Edition. New York: AFB Press.
Conroy, P. (2016). Building Background Knowledge: Pre-teaching PhysicalEducation Concepts
to Students with Visual Impairments. Journal of Blindness Innovation and xxxÖ±²¥, 6(2).
Conroy, P. (2015). Investigation of the Impact of Recreational Ski Program On Individuals
who are Blind and Visually Disabled. Palestra. 29(4), 36-40.
Lieberman, L., Haegele, J., Columna, L., & Conroy, P (2014). How students with visual
impairments can learn the components of the expanded core curriculum through physical
education. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness. 108(3), 239.
Conroy, P. (2014). Promoting Reflective Practices in Special Education through Action
xxxÖ±²¥: Recommendations from Preservice Teachers. Networks: On-Line Journal for Teacher xxxÖ±²¥.
Professional Certification
- State of Colorado Proessional teacher License (Teacher 2) Endorsements:
- Special Education Teacher 2: Visual Impairment Emphasis, ages 0-21
- Special Education Teacher 3: Profund Needs, K-12
- State of Colorado Professional Special Services License Endorsement:
- Special Needs Services Provider (Orientation and Mobility) K-12
Valid: May 1988-December 2018
- Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist by the Association of Education and
Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (ACVREP) 1988-2020
- Colorado Department of Education Certificate of Braille Competency (EBAE and UEB)