McClintock, K., Ku, H.-Y. (2024). Inservice teachers' experiences in intercultural
competence professional development. 12(1), 1-20.
Noawanit, S., Upapong, S., Ku, H.-Y., Aulpaijidku, N., Chattunyakit, S., Songkram,
N. (2024). Unlocking the power of robots: Enhancing computational thinking through
innovative teaching methods. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-18.
Diteeyont, W., Ku, H.-Y. (2023). Investigating influential factors of college students’
mobile learning readiness in Thailand. Smart Learning Environment, 44(10), 1-20.
Speckien, M., & Ku, H. Y. (2022). A case study of Western teachers’ perceptions of
Myanmar high school student college readiness in Western Society. Journal of Educational
xxxÖ±²¥ and Innovation, 10(1), 1-18.
Monzon, G., Alrmuny, D., & Ku, H. Y. (2021). College students' attitudes towards an
App for creating videos in online introductory Spanish classes. Quarterly Review of
Distance Education, 22(2), 31-38.
Clancy, Z., & Ku, H. Y. (2021). Shared values and beliefs of classroom teachers who
operate as transformative intellectuals in online communities. Educational Media International,
58(3) 261-279.
Riney, D., & Ku, H. Y. (2021). Gender differences in socio-emotional and socio-cultural
perspectives of middle school students in STEM learning. Journal of Educational xxxÖ±²¥
and Innovation, 9(1), 1-18.
Diteeyont, W., & Ku, H. Y. (2021). Internet literacy among the elderly in Thailand.
Educational Media International, 58(3), 248-260.
Tsai, C. L., Ku, H. Y., & Campbell, A. (2021). Impacts of course activities on student
perceptions of engagement and learning online. Distance Education, 42(1), 106-125.
Honors and Awards
2022 and 2024 xxxÖ±²¥ advisor of the Graduate Dean’s Citation for Excellence Award
2016 and 2023 Fulbright Specialist Award
2021 Arno H. Luker Award for Excellence in Scholarship
2005, 2010, and 2021 College of Education and Behavioral xxxÖ±²¥s Outstanding Scholar Award