Suzette Youngs
School of Teacher Education
College of Education and Behavioral xxxÖ±²¥s
Contact Information
Mailing Address
University of Northern Colorado
School of Teacher Education
Campus Box 107
Greeley, CO 80639
- Ph. D, Literacy Studies, University of Nevada, Reno NV
- M. Ed. Elementary Education, State University of New York at Oswego, Oswego NY
- B.A. Public Relations, State University of New York at Oswego, Oswego NY
Professional/Academic Experience
- 2009-Present University of Northern Colorado, Greeley CO, Assistant Professor Reading
- 2004-2009 University of Nevada, Reno NV, Instructor Children's Literature/Language
Arts/Integrating History and Literacy Methods
xxxÖ±²¥/Areas of Interest
Multiliteracies, Multimodal Analysis, Visual Literacy, Children's Responses to Picture
Books, Multigenre Writing, Disciplinary Literacy, Literature Study Groups and Reading
Publications/Creative Works
- Serafini, F. & Youngs, S. (In press). Reading workshop 2.0. Reading Teacher
- Youngs, S. (2012). Injustice and Irony: Students respond to Japanese-American internment
picture books. Journal of Children's Literature
- Youngs, S. (2012). Understanding history through the visual: Readers respond to historical
fiction. Language Arts (89)6.
- Barone, D., & Youngs, S. (2008). Your core reading program and children's literature: Effective strategies for using
the best of both 4-6. New York: Scholastic.
- Serafini, F. & Youngs, S. (2008). More advanced lessons in comprehension: Expanding students' understanding of all types
of text. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.