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James Doerner

James Doerner


Humanities and Social xxxֱs

Contact Information

(970) 351-2733
Candelaria Hall, Room 0215
Mailing Address
University of Northern Colorado
College of Humanities & Social xxxֱs Dean's Office
Campus Box 91
Greeley, CO 80639


PhD, University of Denver, Geography
MA, University of Denver, Geography
BS, Oklahoma State University, Geography

Professional/Academic Experience

Interim Dean, College of Humanities and Social xxxֱs, University of Northern Colorado, 2022-Present
Professor, Department of Geography & GIS, University of Northern Colorado, 2005-Present

Coordinator, Geography Program, University of Northern Colorado, 2005-07
Chair, Department of Geography, University of Northern Colorado, 2001-05  
Coordinator/Co-Coordinator, Colorado Geographic Alliance, 1999-2003
Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of Northern Colorado, 2000-05
Paleobotanist, Hacimusalar Archaeological Expedition, Elmali, Turkey, 2000-01     
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University of Northern Colorado, 1994-2000
Adjunct Instructor, Department of Geography, University of Denver, 1991-94
Field Assistant, Sardis Archaeological Expedition, Sardis, Turkey, 1989    
Teaching Assistant, Department of Geography, University of Denver, 1986-1990
xxxֱ Assistant, Department of Geography, University of Denver, 1984-85

Other Experience

Hydrologic Technician, United States Geological Survey Water Resources Division, 1989-94
xxxֱer, Division of Mined Land Reclamation, Department of Natural Resources, State of Colorado, 1986

xxxֱ/Areas of Interest

Publications/Creative Works

Bretfeld, M., Doerner, J.P., and Franklin, S.B. 2015. “Radial growth response and vegetative sprouting of aspen following release from competition due to insect-induced conifer mortality.” Forest Ecology and Management, Vol. 347, pp 96-106.

de Graauw, K.K., Towner, R.H., Grissino-Mayer, H.D., Kessler, N.V., Knighton-Wisor, J., Steffen, A., Doerner, J.P. 2014. “Historical dendroarchaeology of two log structures in The Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico, U.S.A.” Dendrochronologia, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 336–342.

Brunswig, R.H., Doerner, J.P., and Diggs, D.M., 2014. “Eleven Millennia of Human Adaptation in Colorado’s High Country: Modeling Cultural and Climatic Change in the Southern Rocky Mountains.” In, S. Kulyk, C.G. Tremain, and M. Sawyer (Eds.) The Climates of Change: Proceedings of the 44th Chacmool Conference, Chacmool Archaeological Association, University of Calgary. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. pp. 273-286.

Caffrey, M.A., and Doerner, J.P. 2012. A 7000-Year Record of Environmental Change, Bear Lake, Rocky Mountain National Park, USA. Physical Geography, Vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 438–456.

Honors and Awards

2006 - College Scholar Award, College of Humanities and Social xxxֱs, University of Northern Colorado
2001 - Distinguished Teaching Achievement Award, National Council for Geographic Education
2000 - Summer Faculty xxxֱ Fellowship Award, University of Northern Colorado
1999 - Teaching Excellence Award, College of Arts and xxxֱs, University of Northern Colorado 

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