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UNC Announces Deans of Libraries, Graduate School, AVP for xxxֱ

April 10, 2020

University of Northern Colorado Provost Mark Anderson this week announced Jennifer Nutefall as the next dean of University Libraries and Jeri-Anne Lyons as the new associate vice president for xxxֱ and dean of the Graduate School.
Jennifer Nutefall

Nutefall is currently university librarian at Santa Clara University, where she led the creation of the library’s first strategic plan, the renovation of the library’s first floor, and a library-wide reorganization. In 2017, SCU Library was selected as the winner of the ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries Award in the University Library category.

 At UNC, she will oversee the James A. Michener Library and the Howard M. Skinner Music Library whose collections include over 1.3 million physical items, 210 databases, 86,000 e-journals, and 473,000 e-books.

Nutefall portrait

“Jennifer Nutefall brings a wealth of experience to UNC,” said Provost Anderson. “She is an accomplished and collaborative leader who is prepared to lead the University Libraries with new ideas and initiatives that will continue to serve UNC students well.  Please help me welcome Jennifer as part of our leadership team.”
Nutefall’s experience includes serving in library positions at Oregon State University, George Washington University, and State University of New York College at Brockport. She is the founder of the Colloquium on Libraries and Service Learning, a conference to share best practices in library engagement in service learning. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Journalism, a master’s degree in Library xxxֱ from Syracuse University, and a master’s degree in Education and Human Development from George Washington University.
“I am a passionate advocate for the libraries involvement and partnership in service learning and excited to join an institution that is a recognized leader in community and civic engagement,” Nutefall said. “I look forward to building on the strong foundation of programs and services developed by the library faculty and staff.”
She will officially join UNC in early July, succeeding Helen Reed, who retired from UNC at the end of the fall semester.
“This was a difficult position to fill because of the standard of excellence for University Libraries established by Helen Reed,” Anderson said. “Helen served UNC for 29 years, as dean since 2011, and was a leader for Libraries in the state of Colorado. Since Helen’s retirement, Jayne Blodgett has continued this tradition of excellence as the Interim Dean of University Libraries.  I would like to thank Helen and Jayne for their leadership of the University Libraries.”
Jeri-Anne Lyons

Lyons portrait

Lyons is an experienced academician, researcher and administrator who currently serves as associate dean of the College of Health xxxֱs and professor of Biomedical xxxֱs at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Among her responsibilities in the college are graduate studies and research.

In her new position at UNC, Lyons will be in a key role to support and provide vision for research, creative works and the graduate school, which includes 120 programs at the doctoral-level university.

 ”I’m excited to welcome Jeri-Anne Lyons to UNC and the role of Associate Vice President for xxxֱ and Dean of the Graduate School,” Anderson said.  “Jeri-Anne has excelled in overseeing graduate education and research for the College of Health xxxֱs at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in her current role as Associate Dean.  Jeri-Anne has mentored many graduate students, has an excellent record of scholarly productivity, and brings a wealth of experience to UNC.  I look forward to having Dr. Lyons join the UNC community.”

Prior to becoming associate dean, Lyons held administrative positions at UW-Milwaukee as graduate program director for the MS in Biomedical xxxֱs (2008-2010; 2011- 2012); chair of the Biomedical xxxֱs department (2010-2014); director of the Ph.D. in Health xxxֱ, College of Health xxxֱs (2013-2016); and Interim Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and xxxֱ (2014-2015). She started at UW-Milwaukee in 2003 as assistant professor of Health xxxֱs. Before her arrival at UW-Milwaukee, she was promoted from research instructor to research assistant professor of Neurology at Washington University School of xxxֱ in St. Louis, Missouri.

Her prolific research portfolio includes grant funding from the National Institutes of Health and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society in addition to numerous articles in peer-reviewed publications. Among the courses she has taught are xxxֱ Design, Leadership, and Laboratory Techniques: Theory and Practice.

Lyons earned a Ph.D. in Microbiology from the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. Her bachelor’s degree in Medical Technology is from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. She also was a fellow of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society at Washington University School of xxxֱ. Her awards include the College of Health xxxֱs Dean’s Leadership Award and the Dean’s xxxֱ Award from UW-Milwaukee.

Lyons shared her enthusiasm for joining UNC. "I am very excited to join the leadership team at University of Northern Colorado. I look forward to working with faculty, staff, and students to build upon strong the graduate programs, research, and creative activities already in place."

She will officially join UNC in early July, succeeding Linda Black, who previously resigned to return to her faculty position in Applied Psychology and Counselor Education.
“I want to thank Linda Black for her six years of leadership of the Graduate School at UNC.  During this time, graduate enrollment grew substantially. Since Dr. Black returned to the faculty last summer, the graduate school has continued to excel under the leadership of Dr. Cindy Wesley. During this academic year, Cindy has led the Graduate School through reorganization and has ably helped our programs and students to thrive during the social distancing required by the coronavirus pandemic. Thank you to Linda and Cindy for their leadership of Graduate Education at UNC.”

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