Judy Leatherman
School of Biological xxxֱs
Natural and Health xxxֱs
Contact Information
Ross Hall, Room 2510
Office Hours
M 2:30-4:00 W 10:00-11:30
Mailing Address
501 20th Street, Greeley, CO 80639
- Ph.D.:Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Pennsylvania School of xxxֱ, Philadelphia, PA (2003)
Professional/Academic Experience
This is the content region for Professional/Academic Experience.
xxxֱ/Areas of Interest
My research is in stem cell biology. My lab studies adult stem cells in the specialized
microenvironment where they reside in the body, called the “niche”. We are interested
in how stem cells are maintained in an undifferentiated state over the lifetime of
the organism, and how the niche influences the choice between staying as a stem cell
(“self-renewing”) or undergoing differentiation.
As a model system, my lab utilizes the well-defined stem cell niche in the testis
of the fruit fly Drosophila. Here, stem cell activity leads to continual sperm production by male flies. We use
classical and modern approaches for in vivo genetic manipulation, as well as standard
molecular biology, biochemistry, and tissue culture approaches to explore the molecular
basis of niche functioning. I also plan to initiate a project investigating the similarities
between cancer cells and normal stem cells.
Publications/Creative Works
Peer-reviewed research publications
- Shaffer,C, …Leatherman, J, ...Elgin, SA (83 authors)., A Course-Based xxxֱ Experience: How Benefits Change with Increased Investment in
Instructional Time. CBE Life xxxֱs, 2014. 13(1): 111-130.
- Leatherman, J.L. and S. DiNardo, Germline self-renewal requires cyst stem cells, while stat regulates
niche adhesion in Drosophila testes. Nature Cell Biology, 2010, 12(8): 806-11. with cover
- Leatherman, J.L. and S. Dinardo, Zfh-1 controls somatic stem cell self-renewal in the Drosophila testis and nonautonomously influences germline stem cell self-renewal. Cell Stem
Cell, 2008, 3(1): 44-54.
- Leatherman, J.L., L. Levin, J. Boero, and T.A. Jongens, germ cell-less acts to repress transcription
during the establishment of the Drosophila germ cell lineage. Current Biology, 2002, 12(19): 1681-5.
- Leatherman, J.L., K.H. Kaestner, and T.A. Jongens, Identification of a mouse germ cell-less homologue
with conserved activity in Drosophila. Mech Dev, 2000, 92(2): 145-53.
- Kelly, C., A.J. Chin, J.L. Leatherman, D.J. Kozlowski, and E.S. Weinberg, Maternally controlled (beta)-catenin-mediated
signaling is required for organizer formation in the zebrafish. Development, 2000,
127(18): 3899-911.
- Robertson, S.E., T.C. Dockendorff, J.L. Leatherman, D.L. Faulkner, and T.A. Jongens,
germ cell-less is required only during the establishment of the germ cell lineage
of Drosophila and has activities which are dependent and independent of its localization to the
nuclear envelope. Dev Biol, 1999, 215(2): 288-97.
Peer-reviewed review articles
- Frietze, S. and Leatherman, J. Examining the process of de novo gene birth: An educational primer on "Integration of new genes into cellular networks,
and their structural maturation". Genetics, 2014. 196(3): 593-9.
- Leatherman, J. Stem cells supporting other stem cells. Frontiers in Genetics, 2013. 4: 257.
- Leatherman, J.L. and T.A. Jongens, Transcriptional silencing and translational control:
key features of early germline development. Bioessays, 2003, 25(4): 326-35.
Recent presentations
Invited talks
- December 2014, Colorado Drosophila Group, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
- November 2012, College of Veterinary xxxֱ and Biomedical xxxֱs, Colorado State
University, Fort Collins, CO
- October 2011, Biology Department, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
- April 2010, 51st Annual Drosophila xxxֱ Conference, Washington D.C. (talk)
- March 2010, Widener University, Chester, PA
- November 2009, Princeton University Developmental Biology Colloquium, Princeton, NJ
- September 2009, Cold Spring Harbor Stem Cell Biology Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor,
- May 2009, Lerner Institute of the Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH
- May 2009, Midatlantic Regional Meeting of the Society for Developmental Biology, College
Park, MD
Poster presentations
- April 2014, Kennedy, R., and Leatherman, J. Epithelial to mesenchymal transition induction
by zfh-1. Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society, Colorado Chapter, Pueblo, CO.
- March 2014, Elgin, S., Bazinet, C., Bedard, J., Burg, M., DiAngelo, J., Jones, C.,
Kadlec, L., Leatherman, J., Mistry, H. Nagengast, A., Reed, L., Reeves, N., Sanford,
J., Small, C., Smith, C. Zhou, L., Shaffer, C., Leung, W., and Lopatto, D. The Genomics
Education Partnership: Implementing a xxxֱ-Based Genomics Project for Undergraduates.
55th Annual Drosophila xxxֱ Conference, San Diego, CA.
- March 2014, Hammer, K., and Leatherman, J. The receptor tyrosine kinase Pvr in the
Drosophila testis stem cell niche. 55th Annual Drosophila xxxֱ Conference, San Diego, CA.
- March 2014, Major, J., and Leatherman, J. BMP signaling is required in the Drosophila testis cyst stem cells. 55th Annual Drosophila xxxֱ Conference, San Diego, CA.
- April 2013, Elgin, S., Burg, M., DiAngelo, J., Haberman, A, Jones, C, Kadlec, L.,
Key, S., Leatherman, J, McNeil, G., Mistry, H, Nagengast, A., Paetkau, D., Parrish,
S., Reed, L., Schroeder, S., Smith, S., Wawersik, M., Zhou, L., Lopatto, D.The Genomics
Education Partnership (GEP): Bringing Genomics xxxֱ into Undergraduate Classrooms,
54th Annual Drosophila xxxֱ Conference, Washington, D.C..
- April 2013, Elgin, S., Burg, M., DiAngelo, J., Haberman, A, Jones, C, Kadlec, L.,
Key, S., Leatherman, J, McNeil, G., Mistry, H, Nagengast, A., Paetkau, D., Parrish,
S., Reed, L., Schroeder, S., Smith, S., Wawersik, M., Zhou, L., Shaffer, C., and Leung,
W. Evolution of a heterochromatic domain, the Muller F element, in Drosophila / Sophophora,
54th Annual Drosophila xxxֱ Conference, Washington, D.C..
- April 2013, Hammer, K, Johnson, K, and Leatherman, J. PVR is a receptor tyrosine kinase
that plays a role in Drosophila testis cyst stem cells, 54th Annual Drosophila xxxֱ Conference, Washington, D.C..
- April 2012, Overturf, E., and Leatherman, J. The role of zfh-1 in the cyst stem cells of the Drosophila testis. 53rd Annual Drosophila xxxֱ Conference, Chicago, IL.
- April 2011, Leatherman, J. and DiNardo, S. stat primarily regulates adhesion to the niche, and not self-renewal in the Drosophila
testis germline, 52st Annual Drosophila xxxֱ Conference, San Diego, CA.
- October 2008, Leatherman, J., and DiNardo, S., Zfh-1 controls somatic stem cell self-renewal in the Drosophila testis, and non-autonomously
influences germline stem cell self-renewal. Cold Spring Harbor Germ Cells Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor, NY.
- July 2008, Leatherman, J., and DiNardo, S., Zfh-1 controls somatic stem cell self-renewal in the Drosophila testis, and non-autonomously
influences germline stem cell self-renewal. 67th Annual Society for Developmental Biology Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
- June 2008, Leatherman, J., and DiNardo, S., Zfh-1 controls somatic stem cell self-renewal in the Drosophila testis, and non-autonomously
influences germline stem cell self-renewal. 6th Annual International Society for Stem Cell xxxֱ (ISSCR) Meeting, Philadelphia,
- February 2008, Leatherman, J., and DiNardo, S., Zfh-1 controls somatic stem cell self-renewal in the Drosophila testis, and non-autonomously
influences germline stem cell self-renewal. Keystone Symposia, Tumor Suppressors and Stem Cell Biology, Vancouver, British Columbia.