Kristin Bovaird-Abbo
Professor & Director of Undergraduate Studies
College of Humanities & Social xxxֱs
Contact Information
Office Hours
on sabbatical for Spring semester
Mailing Address
University of Northern Colorado
Campus Box 109
Greeley, CO 80639
Ph.D., University of Kansas, Dissertation: Geoffrey Chaucer's use of the Arthurian
Professional/Academic Experience
Associate Professor, English, University of Northern Colorado
xxxֱ/Areas of Interest
Prof. Bovaird-Abbo's areas of special interest include medieval language and literature,
particularly Middle English and Arthurian studies, and she regularly teaches classes
on Old English, Middle English, History of the English Language, Linguistics, the
Arthurian Legend (medieval to modern), and J. R. R. Tolkien.
Her current research project explores the effects of gender and class on depictions
of the Arthurian character of Gawain in fourteenth- and fifteenth-century Middle English
romances, particularly in terms of Gawain’s interactions with women and younger knights,
as a reflection of changing values among the English gentry.
Her wider research and teaching interests include linguistics, James Joyce, Victorian
poetry, drama, mythology, and medievalism. In her free time, she enjoys hiking in
Rocky Mountain National Park with her family.
Publications/Creative Works
- “Is Geoffrey Chaucer's Tale of Sir Thopas a Rape Narrative? Reading Thopas in light of the 1382 Statute of Rapes.” Quidditas 35 (2014): 7-28.
- “Neglected yet Noble: Nyneve and Female Heroism in Thomas Malory’s Le Morte Darthu.” A Quest of Her Own: Essays on the Female Hero in Modern Fantasy. Ed. Lori M. Campbell. Jefferson: McFarland, 2014. 35-54.
- “Tough Talk or Tough Love: Lynet and the Construction of Feminine Identity in Thomas
Malory’s Tale of Sir Gareth.” Arthuriana 24.2 (Summer 2014): 126-157.
- "'Reirdit on ane riche roche beside ane riveir': Martial Landscape and James IV of
Scotland in The Knightly Tale of Golagros and Gawane." Neophilogus 98.4 (October 2014): 675-688.
- “Alison's Antithesis in The Marriage of Sir Gawain." Medieval Feminist Forum 49.2 (2013): 29–69.
- “‘he is com of full noble bloode’: The Brotherly Love of Gareth and Gawain in Thomas
Malory’s Morte Darthur.” Enarratio 17 (2010): 91-105.
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