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Academic Appeal Procedure

The Academic Appeal Procedure at UNC is articulated in Board Policy, Title 2, Article 1, Part 2. 

The purpose of the Academic Appeals Process (“AAP”) described below is to provide a means for appealing and resolving disputes concerning an “Academic Decision” (defined as a final course grade or the termination of a student’s program) that the affected student considers “arbitrary,” “capricious,” or a “violation of University policy.”  These terms are defined as follows:
(1) arbitrary: disparate treatment of persons in essentially identical circumstances;
(2) capricious: no discernible relationship between the act or decision complained of and the legitimate interests or considerations affecting or motivating such act or decision; and
(3) violation of University policy: misinterpretations, misapplications, or violations of authorized University policies.

The AAP shall be used by students to appeal actions taken according to standards or practices that are specific to a course, discipline, program, department, school, or college. The AAP may not be used to appeal decisions pursuant to the University’s Student Code of Conduct.

Academic Appeals Board

Chair of the Academic Appeals Board: Robbie Weis (2023-2025)

For Undergraduate Appeals

  • Five Faculty Members appointed by the Faculty Senate
  • Five Undergraduate Students appointed by the Student Senate

For Graduate Appeals

  • Five members of the Graduate Faculty appointed by the Graduate Council
  • Five Graduate Students appointed by the Graduate Student Association